In this post I’m going to you show you an JiYKR 8 in 1 radio programming cable review. What works, what doesn’t and if it is worth to buy one for yourself.
JiYKR 8 in 1 radio programming cable review
The first impression when you put your hands on the cable is that is a good quality product. The plastic doesn’t looks cheap, and you think that it will break on you just by grabbing it.
The reality is that I own a few of these cables (long story for this post) and never had any physical problems with any of these cables. None of the 3 cables I own broke in the last few years.
In fact the cable supports running on Windows 10. Why I’m saying this?, because a ton of programming cable are using counterfeit chips. This means that not all the cables work properly with the standard drivers on Windows 10, that’s because the chip manufacturers decided to phase out the support for this counterfeit chips.
Also, I found no problems using this cable on Mac and Linux.
Once you install the appropriate drive you can use this cable just like any other radio programming cable. Just be sure to select the right connector on the cable as I will show below.
What I like about this cable is the flexibility you get when compared with a programming cable designed for just a specific radio model.
In spite of some bad reviews you can find on Amazon about this cable, I had no problem with the cable at all. Each and every radio that I tried to program I was able to.
If you plan to use several radio models in the future don’t get stuck with a specific radio model cable and get one of this. If you are lucky, your new radio may be on the list of supported models.
This cable includes a few different connectors for specific radio models, this means that even some connectors may look alike, you have to choose the right one in order to program your radio. Please pay atention to this because if you use the wrong connector you can ruin your radio, your cable, or both.
How to use the JiYKR 8 in 1 radio programming cable
If you search using google, you will find that there is a lot of people complaining about that no instructions are included with the programming cable.
I think, this people are not trying hard enough to understand how the cable works. In fact, it is very simple and the instructions are available on every site that sells the cable.
Almost on every website that sells this programming cable you will find a description as below:

Each letter marked in red, represents a letter in the programming cable as seen below

This means that if you want to program a Yaesu FT-50 you will need to connect the handheld to the Y1 connector of your programming cable.

Why buy an JiYKR 8 in 1 radio programming cable
So you have seen this cable on Amazon, Aliexpress and other internet sites but in doubt to buy one, here is the reason why I bought one.
If you buy a cable just for programming one radio model you will be stuck with that model forever, instead, if your radio is supported by the 8 in 1 radio programming cable, you will be able to program other radios you buy in the future.
Seems logical, but a lot of people buy a cable for a specific model when you can buy one for many models.
And the best part, for almost the same amount of money, you get a radio programming cable that supports a lot more radios.
Get yours using the following links Amazon, Ebay and Aliexpress.
Radios I was able to program with the 8 in 1 programming cable
If you have been reading the blog, you know that I like exploring and programming radios. I like to discover what hidden features I’m able to gain access to through software. This cable allowed me to program this radios (the link will take you to guides to program the model):
Baofeng | Motorola | Kenwood | Yaesu |
Baofeng UV-82 in Windows Baofeng UV-82 in Mac OS | Motorola SM120 in DOS Motorola SM50 in DOS Motorola PRO3100 in windows | Kenwood TK-7100 in Windows Kenwood TK-840 in DOS | Vertex VX-414 |
Hope you liked the JiYKR 8 in 1 radio programming cable review. If you have any questions feel free to leave a comment below, the public answer will help other visitors in the future.
I havethis cable, but iwas trying to programing a tk-760d , the radio put PC in the display, but the sofware detect nathing, have you any experiences programing tk760d with tis cable?
Hi Belkis, how are you doing? I don’t own a Kenwood TK-760d but will ask at the local radio club if someone owns one there and will post about it.
73s de LU9CNS